The Donostia/San Sebastián Office of Strategy is part of the municipal administrative structure and has been incorporated into the municipal public company Fomento de San Sebastián.

It also reports to the Strategic Plan Working Committee. The Committee comprises 38 members and includes representatives from Donostia/San Sebastián City Council, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, the Basque Government, Central Government, Kutxa, Adegi, Mondragón Cooperative Corporation, Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce, the Matia Foundation, social, cultural and sports organisations, neighbourhood and trade union associations, the university, the science and technology industry, etc.

Strategic Plan for Donostia/San Sebastián

The Office of Strategy was created in 2001 under a Promotion Committee which was endorsed by Donostia/San Sebastián City Council. From that point onwards, work got under way to create the city's first strategic plan. This process ended in 2004 when it was approved by consensus.

The first 2004-2010 Strategic Plan for Donostia/San Sebastián involved a strategic shift towards a new model of city that is much more geared towards innovation and knowledge.

In 2010, the Strategic Plan's Executive Committee headed up a process of reflection, discussion and work in order to close the first strategic plan and move on to building E2020DSS, the second strategic plan for the city.

Organic Regulations for the Social Council

Meanwhile, Donostia/San Sebastián City Council approved the Organic Regulations for the Social Council for the city in 2008, in accordance with Law 57/2003 on the Modernisation of Local Government. These Regulations provide for the creation of an Executive Committee for the Strategic Plan which is linked to the Plenary of the city's Social Council and will continue the work which had previously been carried out by the Plan's Promotion Committee.

The roles of the Executive Committee include making it easier for institutions and economic and social agents to meet in order to ensure that the objectives outlined in the Strategic Plan are met, as well as monitoring and promoting major projects for advancement.

In 2012, a process of discussion and reflection was entered into in order to review the Social Council, and this culminated in the Organic Regulations for the Social Council being amended in 2014.  This replanning means that the Council better represents society thanks to an increased number of members who come from this background, and that the Strategic Plan's Executive Committee is replaced with a Working Committee.

Social Council

Public institutions

  • Ayuntamiento de Donostia/San Sebastián
  • Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa.
  • Gobierno Vasco

Social bodies

Health bodies

  • Osakidetza

Neighbourhood associations

Business, professional and trade union bodies

  • Adegi
  • Mondragon Corporación Cooperativa
  • Cámara de Gipuzkoa
  • Federación Mercantil de Gipuzkoa
  • Asociación de Empresarios de Hostelería de Gipuzkoa
  • ICAGI. Colegio Profesional de Abogados
  • UGT. Unión General de Trabajadores
  • LAB. Langileok Borrokan
  • CCOO. Comisiones Obreras

Transport and communications

  • Autoridad portuaria de Pasajes
  • RENFE Cercanías
  • AENA. Aeropuerto de San Sebastián
  • DBUS. Compañía del tranvía de San Sebastián


  • Cadena Ser
  • El Diario Vasco

Scientific-technological bodies

  • Fundación Oceanográfica de Gipuzkoa. Aquarium
  • Matia Fundazioa
  • DIPC. Donostia International Phisic Center
  • Parque científico tecnológico de Gipuzkoa
  • Zuatzu. Beterri-Kostako Industrialdea


  • Universidad de Deusto
  • Universidad de Navarra
  • Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Cultural bodies

  • Tabakalera
  • Donostia 2016

Sports bodies

  • Real Sociedad
  • Federación Guipuzcoana de Fútbol
  • Bera Bera


  • Oficina de Estrategia

Sectoral Councils

The city’s advisory councils are participatory municipal bodies, consultative, informative and advisory in nature, which have the purpose of facilitating participation and channelling information on associative entities in municipal affairs. The following sectoral councils are members of the city’s Social Council: